Launch of the project INTERREG Caribbean ODYSSEA Blue Routes | Interreg Caraïbes
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Launch of the project INTERREG Caribbean ODYSSEA Blue Routes




The project INTERREG Caribbean ODYSSEA ANTILLES SUSTAINABLE NAUTICAL AND CULTURAL BLUE ROUTES was officially launched on February 18th, 2019 at the Karibéa Resort hotel in Sainte-Luce, Martinique.

Directed by the conurbation authority of South Martinique area, the project aims to publicise the region as “Destination Bleue d’Excellence”, a centre of excellence of cultural ecotourism in the West Indies.

The project INTERREG ODYSSEA ANTILLES SUSTAINABLE NAUTICAL AND CULTURAL BLUE ROUTES comes from a collaboration between many operators.

It includes on the one hand the Conurbation Authority of South Martinique area, the Tourism Committee of Martinique, Martinique Development and la Ville du Marin in Martinique. On the other hand the OECS, the Ministry of tourism, of information, and the Radio diffusion of Saint-Lucia, the Regional Authority of Martinique, the Tourism Department of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Fédération Française des Ports de Plaisance. 

The 6.8 million euros project is financed by the INTERREG CARIBBEAN program as part of the European Regional Development Fund.

The program will end on December 2020.


gillesbajazet.jpeg.jpg, par GALVANI

Lead partner of the project :

The Conurbation Authority of South Martinique area

Beneficiary partners :

  • Tourism Committe of Martinique
  • Martinique Développement
  • Ville du Marin

Extra community partners :

  • Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
  • Ministry of tourism, of information, and the Radio diffusion of Saint-Lucia

Partenaires Associés :

  • Regional Authority of Martinique
  • Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
  • Fédération Française des Ports de Plaisance