Launch of the project ELAN | Interreg Caraïbes
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Launch of the project ELAN



The launch ceremony of the project INTERREG ELAN (Linguistic exchanges and innovative learning with mobility) took place on April Thursday 11th 2019 from 9am to 11am at the La Batelière hotel in Schoelcher.
E.L.A.N aims to encourage multilingualism in the Caribbean and to reinforce the academic, student, teaching, university and professional mobility in the region.
The ultimate aim of the project is a better attractiveness of our territories, greater employability of young people and a more intensive collaboration between our educative communities, our academic and research centres and our institutes dedicated to professional training.

Launch program of the project E.L.A.N

8:30 – 8:45 Reception of the participants

09:00- 10:40  I. Opening speech and allocutions

  • Pascal JAN, Education officer of the academy Martinique
  • Professor JANKY, President of the University of Antilles and Guiana
  • Noureddine MANAMANNI, Director of External and Institutional Relations, Campus France Agency
  • Jacky LUMARQUE, Education officer of the University of Quisqueya d’Haïti
  • Dr Joel WARRICAN, Director of the School of Education– University of the West Indies – Cave Hill - Barbados
  • Paul-Antoine BIEN-AIME, Director of State University Cooperation of Haïti –
  • His Excellency, Philippe ARDANAZ, France Ambassador at the OECS and Barbados –
  • Ms Sisera SIMON, Head, Education Development OECS Commission, representing the managing director of the OECS
  • Alfred MARIE-JEANNE, President of the Regional Authority of Martinique
  • Franck ROBINE, Prefect of Martinique

10:40 – 10:45  II. The project ELAN 

  • Gilles BAJAZET, Director of the Joint Administration INTERREG – Regional Authority of Guadeloupe & Ghislaine MOETUS-SCHÜLLER,  project manager

10:45 – 11:00  III. Signing ceremony 

  •  Cocktail reception
  •  Interviews (press, TV, radio)

The partners of the project

Regional authority of Martinique       
University of Antilles, Guadeloupe  
Campus France
Alliance Française
OECS Sainte Lucia
University of West-Indies, Jamaïque
State University of Haiti