Review of the launch of the project INTERREG Caribbean ELAN | Interreg Caraïbes
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Review of the launch of the project INTERREG Caribbean ELAN




The launch ceremony of the project INTERREG ELAN (Linguistic exchanges and innovative learning through mobility) took place on Thursday, April 11th 2019 from 9am to 11am at the hotel La Batelière in Schoelcher.

E.L.A.N aims to encourage multilingualism in the Caribbean and to reinforce the academic, student, teaching, university and professional mobility in the region.
The ultimate aim of the project is a better attractiveness of our territories, greater employability of young people and a more intensive collaboration between our educative communities, our academic and research centres and the institutes dedicated to professional training.

The project ELAN have a 3 million euros budget (including 2,2K coming from the EU more specifically from the European Regional Development Fund and the European Development Fund).

Many collaborators both community and non-community are mobilised for the success of this project with the academy of Martinique:

  • Regional authority of Martinique
  • The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
  • Campus France
  • Alliance française des Petites Antilles network
  • University of West Indies
  • Quisqueya University in Haiti
  • Haiti State University
  • University of Antilles and all its campuses

It is about an ambitious experiment that relies on a strong will to cooperate, eased by the integration of Martinique in the OECS (Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States) since 2015 and more recently Guadeloupe in March 2019.

Enhanced access to higher education – which is a better success for everyone – is one of the main goals of the OECS to which the wide and diverse range of training in the West-Indies can contribute. Reciprocally, the project ELAN is also the opportunity to strengthen the language and professional skills of eligible publics to this program for enriching educational, student and professional mobility.




  TOTAL COST                         FEDER TOTAL                               FED TOTAL
  3 025 000 €                          1 954 500 €                                   300 000 €