Glossary | Interreg Caraïbes


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feasibility study

A feasibility study is an analysis of the ability to complete an operation successfully, taking into account legal, economic, technological, scheduling and other factors. It evaluates the project's potential for success. The two criteria to judge feasibility are cost required and value to be attained.

étude de faisabilité
final report

The final report is the last report to be submitted to the joint secretariat, either after or with the last progress report. In HIT it does not include any financial reporting.

rapport final
finance report

The Finance Report is part of the Progress Report. It is a periodical report on the financial progress of the project in relation to the activities carried out and accomplished achievements (deliverables, outputs). It includes information on the expenditure borne by the project partners and revenue received by them.

rapport financier
financial corrections

Financial corrections are withdrawals of funding that take place when payments to EU-backed projects have been made in error due to irregularities.

corrections financières
first level control (FLC)

see "control"

contrôle de premier niveau
flat rate

Flat Rate is one of the simplified cost options, and these rates are calculated by applying a percentage fixed ex-ante to one or several other categories of eligible costs. Flat rates involve approximations of costs and are defined based on fair, equitable and verifiable calculation methods, or they are established by the Fund specific regulations. (HIT)

taux forfaitaire

Fraud is intentional action leading to unlawful gain and unfair advantage.
