Glossary | Interreg Caraïbes


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lead partner (LP)

A lead partner is the project partner who takes the overall responsibility for the development and the implementation of a project. Each Lead Partner is expected to conclude the Partnership Agreement (with its project partners) and the Subsidy Contract (with the Managing Authority), ensure a sound cross-border/transnational project management as well as the project implementation, and transfer the due ERDF contributions to the single partners. (HIT)

(partenaire) Chef de File

Leasing is when the owner (the lessor) of a specific asset (such as a parcel of land, building, equipment, or machinery) grants a second party (the lessee) the right to its exclusive possession and use for a specific period and under specified conditions, in return for specified periodic rental or lease payments.

legal representative

A legal representative is a person authorised to sign binding documents (e.g., application form, subsidy contract) on behalf of an organisation.

représentant légal
letter of commitment

A letter of commitment is written confirmation of each project partner's financial contribution to the project budget. It doesn't have to be a separate document; it could be part of the partner declaration.

lettre d'engagement
list of expenditure

The List of Expenditure is part of the Partner Progress Report. It lists expenditure borne by a project partner in relation to activities carried out during the period covered by the Progress Report. It includes information on the amounts on the invoice description that are declared by the project partner, amounts verified by the first level controller, amounts approved by relevant programme bodies, etc.

liste de dépenses
local government

Local governemnt is an administrative body or system in which political direction and control is exercised over the community of a city, town or small district.

collectivité locale/territoriale
lump sum

Lump Sum is one of the simplified cost options. It is a total allocation of the grant (calculated ex-ante), paid to the project upon completion of pre-defined terms of agreement on activities and/or outputs. Lump sums involve approximations of costs established based on fair, equitable and verifiable calculation methods.

montant forfaitaire